the brand
the short story
in summary…
we found it... the secret to success.

the long story
we’ve got history…
ideation begins
head out the car window. fresh air in our faces. skies and sunshine for days. we just arrived back home to new mexico after half a decade away, and realized more than ever how amazing this place is.
we knew we had to create a space where people can easily plug into the wild and really be immersed in the inescapable beauty of santa fe’s high desert landscape.
hello, KitFox.
we didn’t want to just create any glamping company, we wanted to do it right. we wanted the voice of the brand to be authentic by deeply connecting to the place we would be inhabiting. we didn’t want to get distracted by what other companies were doing.
we shut out the noise and let the business plan develop in an organic way, naturally and over time. we were in it for the long haul, and good thing because the path was long and winding with many detours along the way. we didn’t have a road map, but we took every opportunity we were given to somehow find a way to make it happen.
criteria list in hand, we were on the the property hunt, exploring amazing spots all over northern new mexico. exciting as it was daunting.
pop-up experiences
there is so much empty space in new mexico, that one would think it relatively easy to find a spot to land. more like finding a needle in a haystack. more on that later.
while we searched high and low for our needle, we also introduced our concept to the world in the form of pop-up glamping outfitter services to a couple amazing corporate clients who believed in us. we worked hard to exceed expectations and mind all the details. word has it, we succeeded.
after a long couple years of tirelesly searching, we finally saw a hint of glimmer amongst the straw… could that be our tiny silver object?
next up? a location.
the real deal
don’t ask us how we did it, because we didn’t exactly. it was a team effort and it went something like this…
eventually when a high school friend connects us to father of a another friend, who recommends (after many other uneventful recommendations) a possible idea to cold call someone who, after helping us go as far as he could, then passed us along to another amazing connection… this is how we finally found our landing zone. (you all know who you are. and you rock)
side bar | you know what they say about luck being the crossroad when preparation meets opportunity? well, that’s what just happend right there.
so now that we have the spot (wohoo!), the real work begins. the paperwork… forms, plans, applications, requests, meetings, and much more. the heavy lifting… it’s not quite as easy as pitching a tent, but hey, totally worth it.
between our other offsite pop-up events, we had a short window of time on property to give some great folks a preview of what was to come the following year. we worked, we learned, and we planned for the next step.
it gets real
well, we could just leave it at that and you all could fill in the blanks. i mean, 2020. but…
at the start of the year, the word was out and we had exciting expectations for our summer launch. and while we can’t pretend that the year didn’t have its share of challenges and set backs, we can also say that we are thankful for the silver linings that found us.
we didn’t skip a beat and continued to work every single day to reach our goal. we found ourselves with more time to perfect the product and the process. the project was especially daunting and drawn out (more piles of paperwork and extra heavy lifting), but we persisted and met our mark.
after a (very) soft launch with a handful of lovely folks, we wrapped up the season and set our sites on the new horizon.
here we are
we are so excited to share our little project with you. it’s been a long time coming, but we are just beginning.
looking forward to the day when our paths cross… until then, wishing you happy trails from the KitFox crew!
up next
we’ll let you in on a little secret… stay tuned for the launch of KitFox getaways, featuring solo and small group lodging offerings in unique locations across new mexico.
good things come to those who wait. sorry, no pre-bookings at this time.
deep dive
in case you’re wondering…
kit fox
species of fox found in semi-arid southwestern deserts
(i.e. new mexico)
small two-seat aircraft that comes in a kit and you build it
(not related, but very cool)
baby fox
(oh yes, super cute!)
a social, clever, curious, and playful creature who blends into the natural environment
kitted out
to give someone the equipment needed for a particular activity
(i.e. you and your crew will be totally kitted out when you #staykitfox)
a glamping experience destination in santa fe’s high desert. for the young and young-at-heart who want to explore and enjoy nature, while the Kit Crew takes care of the rest.
this is us…